When Will Your Prior DUI Conviction Be Used Against You?

Understanding when and if a prior conviction for Driving Under the Influence can be used against you to increase the penalties of a second or subsequent DUI conviction can be complicated and confusing.  In Tennessee, this determination has been further complicated by a recent change in the law (Tennessee Code Annotated § 55-10-403(a)(3)), which became effective July 1, 2010 and is discussed in more detail below.

To determine when a person is classified as a Tennessee DUI multiple offender, we first must answer the question: how far back does Tennessee look for prior convictions?  This time period is also often referred to as the “look back” period.  Typically, this “look back” period is 10 years, but depending upon the circumstances of the case, this period may be extended up to 20 years. Knoxville DUI attorneys Steve Oberman and Sara Compher-Rice are available to answer your questions about the Tennessee “look back” period and how it may affect your Tennessee DUI case.

The next question is how (or from what dates) is the “look back” period calculated?  This calculation is impacted by  the new Tennessee DUI law.  When examining the initial 10-year period, the calculation should be made as follows:

Arrests prior to July 1, 2010: Compute 10 years from the date of conviction for the current offense to the date of conviction of the previous DUI offense.

Arrests on or after July 1, 2010: Compute 10 years from the date of the current offense (current arrest date) to the date of the previous offense (previous arrest date).

In other words, the calculation has changed from conviction date to conviction date to now being determined from DUI arrest date to DUI arrest date.

Should you have any additional questions about the offense of DUI in Tennessee or the associated penalties, please visit the Oberman & Rice websites at www.tndui.com and www.duiknoxville.comSteve and Sara may also be reached by calling (865) 249-7200.