A DUI arrest in Lenoir City or Loudon, TN, both cities in Loudon County, Tennessee, may result in harsh drunk driving penalties. Even with a first offense DUI, punishment includes, but is not limited to a mandatory driver’s license suspension for one full year, service of at least 48 hours in jail, and court costs and fines that total more than a thousand dollars. A DUI conviction following a Loudon County arrest could also result in harm to a person’s professional life, including preventing the person from being hired for a job or receiving a promotion in a current job. Those charged with driving under the influence need a lawyer on their side to contest the charges and eliminate or minimize these consequences by obtaining a dismissal of the charges or reaching a compromise to an alternate offense that will not have such adverse effects for the rest of one’s life.
Loudon County, TN DUI Arrests
Many DUI arrests begin innocently enough. You grab one beer after work with a few friends. You leave as soon as you finish your drink so you can get home in time to walk the dog. Driving home, you swerve slightly to avoid debris in the roadway and before you know it those flashing blue and red lights come up behind you. You don’t often get pulled over, it could even be your first time, and you are nervous.
The officer tells you to get out of the car. You are a bit unsteady on your feet because of your back problem, but the officer takes this as an indication you may be intoxicated. Because of your injury, you do not perform the roadside field sobriety tests to the Loudon County officer’s satisfaction and he arrests you for driving under the influence. He then tells you that you are required by TN law to undergo a breath test or blood test. He also tells you that If you refuse, your driver’s license will be automatically suspended for one year. What he doesn’t tell you is that there may be defuses to both the DUI and the refusal (Implied Consent) charges.
Help is Available: Find a DUI Lawyer Serving Loudon County TN
Fighting DUI charges on your own, rarely results in the best possible outcome for your case. Unfortunately, public defenders often have limited time and resources to invest in your case. Accordingly, hiring a lawyer with a firm understanding of Tennessee (TN) laws, access to information about the arrest practices of Loudon County TN officers, and the resources to properly investigate and analyze your case can make the difference between a conviction and an acquittal.
Getting DUI Charges Dropped or Reduced Loudon County, TN
Although Tennessee drunk driving laws are tough, a law firm that focuses a large portion of their practice on defending those charged with DUI is often your best hope to get your charges dropped or significantly reduced. Some of the most common defenses include:
- Probable cause. If there were no traffic violations, did the officer have the legal right to pull you over?
- Medical conditions which may have led to the appearance of intoxication.
- Faulty breath test results due to improperly calibrated equipment, presence of an interfering substance in the mouth, or even radio frequency interference.
- Inaccurate blood test results due to the improper collection and/or analysis of the blood sample.
- The arresting officer’s past record on DUI arrests.
Lawyers can also negotiate plea bargains to greatly reduce sentences and penalties. The best plea agreements occur when defense lawyers convince the prosecutor that significant weaknesses exist in the state’s case. Accordingly, a complete investigation and analysis your DUI case for potential defenses is required to obtain the best possible plea agreement in driving under the influence cases.
Contact DUI Law Firms serving Loudon County, TN
If you are facing DUI charges it is imperative you contact the right lawyer serving your locality as soon as possible to avoid costly mistakes. The lawyers at Oberman & Rice are ready to help. So stay calm and call us as soon as possible. We obtain the best possible results when we can start on your case within 72 hours – preserving evidence and obtaining critical statements from witnesses. After all, We trademarked the phrase: “Your Future Is Our Present Concern®” – shouldn’t it be your concern as well?
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