When a driver is pulled over in Tennessee for any reason, the normal request from law enforcement is: “Please provide me with your driver’s license, insurance, and proof of registration.” If you are like this author, digging through your glovebox for that proof of registration creates a state of panic and anxiety! The glovebox will provide the driver with everything but the required registration proof needed at the time (but those unused packets of condiments and extra napkins are plentiful!). Everyone can probably agree that streamlining this process would be very helpful to drivers and law enforcement agencies across Tennessee.
The Senate Transportation and Safety Committee, in Tennessee, just advance proposed legislation (Senate Bill 228) that would allow for registration documentation to be provided electronically during a traffic stop. As most Tennessee drivers know, one can provide proof of insurance electronically but not registration documentation when undergoing a traffic stop in Tennessee. This proposed change in legislation would make it appropriate and legal for drivers to show their registration electronically. This would allow for less stress on drivers digging through their glove box, and probably more importantly, allow for law enforcement officers to spend less time standing next to oncoming traffic and risk being hit by a vehicle. Senate Bill 228 will now move on to the floor of the full Senate for final consideration. Please check back to this blog periodically for updates.
Additionally, traffic tickets can not only add points to your license but can increase your insurance rates and rack up hundreds of dollars in court fines/costs. If you get pulled over and cited for a traffic ticket in Tennessee please be advised that simply paying the ticket off is an admission of guilt and will result in a conviction. Contact the Oberman and Rice Law Firm so we may discuss with your potential paths of trying to prevent or mitigate the effects of a traffic ticket on your driving record and/or potential insurance rate increases. Our firm is open 24/7 and we may be reached by calling (865) 249-7200 or by email at sara@tndui.com or az@tndui.com.