The Oberman & Rice Law Firm is proud to host a DUI Law Podcast that explores issues surrounding Driving Under the Influence laws in Tennessee and throughout the county. The DUI Law podcast features Knoxville, TN DUI Attorney Steve Oberman, former Dean of the National College for DUI Defense, Inc., as he expounds on all areas of DUI laws, including, but not limited to, information about DUI arrests, the science surrounding Driving Under the Influence laws, and how to choose the most qualified attorney to handle your DUI case.
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The audio version of the podcast may be found clicking here and visiting our blog.
Finally, you may click here to view a video version of some of the podcast episodes.
DUI Podcast Transcript Archives
Consequences of a TN DUI Conviction-Part 1
Consequences of a TN DUI Conviction-Part 2
Consequences of a TN DUI Conviction-Part 3
Under the Influence and Drunk Driving
Tennessee Boating Under the Influence Laws
Tennessee Criminal Justice System
The History of Field Sobriety Tests
The Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Field Sobriety Test (HGN)
The One Leg Stand Field Sobriety Test
The Walk and Turn Field Sobriety Test
Using Bail to Get out of Jail
Featured Posts

Tennessee Drivers’ Licenses May Go Electronic
Tennessee Senate Bill 1297 was introduced this year proposing to allow Tennesseans to use Digital Driver’s Licenses (DDLs) as a valid form of identification wherever an ID is legally required, except for voting. The DDLs would allow Tennesseans to download an […]
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Potential Change in Legislation for Providing Proof of Registration to Law Enforcement
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Domestic Violence/Domestic Assault/Domestic Abuse Definitions
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Oberman & Rice
550 Main Street
Suite 730
Knoxville, TN 37902
Phone Number
(865) 249-7200
(865) 540-1696 (fax)
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Long: 35.970504
Lat: -83.914776
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