
When charged with a Tennessee crime, the most commonly asked question are: What penalties am I facing and how much time could I serve in jail? Each Tennessee crime is unique and so are the associated penalties. Our criminal defense attorneys are available to review the facts and circumstances surrounding your case and advise you accordingly.

Generally, Tennessee crimes are divided into two categories: Felony Offenses and Misdemeanor Offenses. Felony crimes are offenses that may be punished by 1 year or more in confinement (jail), while misdemeanor crimes represent those punishable by a fine and/or confinement for less than 1 year. The exact sentence and actual time to be served in jail will vary based upon the Tennessee crime involved and other factors, such as the person’s criminal history.

If you or someone you know has recently been charged with a Tennessee criminal offense, contact the Oberman & Rice Law Firm today so that we advise you what penalties will apply to your case. Submit your information for a free case evaluation from our Knoxville criminal defense attorneys or call our office at 865-249-7200.

Other Consequences

The consequences of both felony and misdemeanor convictions extend far beyond the punishments imposed by the court. A Tennessee criminal conviction can impact all aspects of a person’s life. If you or a loved one have been charged with a Tennessee crime, be sure to discuss with your criminal defense attorney the negative impact a Tennessee criminal conviction may have in the following areas:

  • The right to possess a firearm.
  • Present and future employment opportunities.
  • Immigration.
  • The right to vote.
  • Professional licenses (nursing, law, dental, pilot, etc.).
  • Travel outside of the United States.
  • Insurance (life, vehicle, health).
  • Stigma of being a “Convicted Felon” or of having a “Criminal Record.”

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Oberman & Rice
550 Main Street
Suite 730
Knoxville, TN 37902

Phone Number
(865) 249-7200
(865) 540-1696 (fax)

GPS Coordinates
Long: 35.970504
Lat: -83.914776

contact us today for a free consultation

We reply to non-urgent after-hours requests for consultation within 24 hours. For after-hour emergencies, please call us at (865) 249-7200.

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