1st Offense DUI Penalties

TN DUI penalties will differ in each case, depending on particular facts and circumstances. This summary of first offense DUI penalties is intended to be general in nature.  Additional penalties exist, and therefore the information on this web page should not be relied upon without individual consultation with a well-qualified DUI attorney in Tennessee.

DUI First Offense – Sentence is 11 months, 29 days


Jail Time Mandatory 48 hours to 11 months, 29 days, or minimum increases to 7 days if blood alcohol concentration is .15% or higher
Probationary Period 11 months, 29 days less the time spent in jail
Fine $350 – $1500
Highway Litter Removal May be ordered by the court
DUI Assessment Mandatory alcohol and drug addiction fee of $100.00
DUI School/Alcohol Rehabilitation Mandatory DUI School or Victim Impact Panel (often sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
Volunteer Community Work May be ordered by the court
License Revocation 1 year; eligible for restricted license if meet all other qualifications
Ignition Interlock Device Mandatory unless the court makes a specific finding that an IID is not required in a particular case. IID required for 365 consecutive days or for entire period of license revocation, whichever is longer.
Vehicle Forfeiture Not authorized; except for unusual circumstances
Monitoring May be ordered by the court. E.g., transdermal or alternative alcohol or drug monitoring device, electronic monitoring device, or GPS monitoring device.

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550 Main Street
Suite 730
Knoxville, TN 37902

Phone Number
(865) 249-7200
(865) 540-1696 (fax)

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