Expungement of Tennessee Misdemeanor Convictions

Tennessee law specifies 45 misdemeanor crimes that are NOT eligible to be expunged from your Tennessee criminal record. Please click this link to view the list of Tennessee crimes excluded from expungement. The chart below DOES NOT INCLUDE ALL TENNESSEE CRIMES ELIGIBLE OR EXCLUDED FROM EXPUNGEMENT. Rather, it should be used a general guide for some of the more common crimes in Tennessee for determining their expungement eligibility.

If you are eligible and would like to petition a Tennessee court for expungement of your criminal conviction, or have questions about your eligibility, contact the Tennessee expungement lawyers at Oberman & Rice at (865) 249-7200.

Tennessee Misdemeanor Crimes

(Partial List in Alphabetical Order)

Tennessee Crime Eligible for Expungement?

Aggravated criminal trespass of a habitation, hospital, or on the campus of any public or private school, or on railroad property

Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Allowing a person 18-20 to consume alcohol on person’s premises Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Assault; Assault (offensive or provocative physical contact); Aggravated assault of a public employee Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
BUI (Boating Under the Influence) ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Child abuse (where child is between ages 7-17) Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Child neglect and endangerment (where child is between ages 7-13) Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Disorderly Conduct ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Domestic assault Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
DWI (Driving While Impaired) ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement

Enticing a child to purchase intoxicating liquor or purchasing alcoholic beverage for a child

Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Failure to surrender handgun carry permit upon suspension Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Fraudulent use of credit/debit card (up to $500) Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Indecent exposure–vicitim under 13 years of age Not eligible for Tennessee expungement

Importing, preparing, distributing, processing, or appearing in obscene material

Not eligible for Tennessee expungement

Methamphetamine-related crimes (e.g. purchasing methamphetamine precursors for unlawful use, unlawfully dispensing meth precursors, etc.)

Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages on K-12 school premises Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Possession of firearm while prohibited by state or federal law Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Possession of Marijuana ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Possession of the hallucinogenic plant Salvia Divinorum or synthetic cannabinoids Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Public Indecency Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Public Intoxication ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Reckless Driving ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Reckless Endangerment ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Resisting Arrest ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Sale or possession of synthetic derivatives or analogues of methcathinone Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Simple Possession of Drugs ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Shoplifting ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Soliciting minor to engage in a Class E sexual offense Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Stalking Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Theft ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Underage Consumption ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Underage DWI ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Underage Possession of Alcohol ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Unlawful sexual conduct by an authority figure Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Using substance or device to falsify drug test results or selling synthetic urine Not eligible for Tennessee expungement
Vandalism ELIGIBLE for Tennessee expungement
Violation of a protective order or restraining order Not eligible for Tennessee expungement

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Oberman & Rice
550 Main Street
Suite 730
Knoxville, TN 37902

Phone Number
(865) 249-7200
(865) 540-1696 (fax)

GPS Coordinates
Long: 35.970504
Lat: -83.914776

contact us today for a free consultation

We reply to non-urgent after-hours requests for consultation within 24 hours. For after-hour emergencies, please call us at (865) 249-7200.

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